Nov 20th 2020
This informal video by film director Simona Jerala was made two years ago, on a visit at Alenka Sottler's studio. In that time, the book Tunes from Mousedale Dunes, undersigned by Anja Štefan (poet, writter and narrator) and Alenka Sottler (illustrator) had just been published.
In Slovenia, the book received all the professional awards and became so successfully recognized that they had to reprint it in the firts year already.
In this video, Alenka shows, how she is using her finger prints to make cute mice illustrations, and even some more complex works. You can check the content of the book here.
Feb 6th 2016
Tadeja Lampreht reports from the award ceremony.
The New York Society of Illustrators awarded Alenka Sottler with a gold medal for best book illustration. It is a prestigious award for which thousands of artists from all over the world are vying. The illustration EURYDICE was created for the poem PESEM ZA LIRO by Bina Štampa Žmavc, and in book form it was published by the PIVEC publishing house from Maribor.