• The Writer
  • The Writer

The Writer

7 In Stock


Technique : Archival print
Author: Alenka Sottler
Title: Writer 3
Size: 210mm x 297mm
Publication: x/100
Year of origin: 2016

ALENKA SOTTLER about her work:
The writer is the introductory illustration made of fingerprints, from the book of anja Štefan, Crumbs from the Mice Valley, that announces the poems for mice about mice. It seems like behind the image of a cute little mouse, that commitedly writes the poems about mice, we can find the author Anja Štefan herself. Illustration also represents my philosophical lead in fine art, that the real creativity comes from simplicity. This and other illustrations made of fingerprints simply invite children: Look, it is so simple, you can do it as well!
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This poetry collection for the children has conquered the hearts of the audience and the jury in an instant. ”The Bukla magazine wrote: ''These little poems were masterly illustrated by Alenka Sottler, and now they are all collected in a cute illustrated book Crumbs from the Mice Valley. Sottler chose fingerprint technique, that helped her to capture the playfulness of small mice, that people loved on a first sight''.On the book fair in Ljubljana 2017 the book received the prize for the most beautifully designed book, than it received the prize for the best youth literature work Večernica 2018 and Kristina Brenkova award 2018 for inovativeness. Munchen Internationale Jugendbibliothek has listed the book in their catalogue of recomended literature for youth White Raven. With the fingerprint illustrations I wish to show to children and adults, that the essence is simplicity and creativity.

Signed, Certificate of Authenticity Included
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Alenka will be happy to answer your further questions. Contact her directly This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.